Showing 373–384 of 716 results

Melipoly Apis Cerana...

6 eCash + RM45.00-11%
or RM51
The rainforests in Malaysia are rich in natural forage sources for bees. The wild honey produced here is rich and

Formhill O-LIMAU (3...

5.4 eCash + RM45.00-10%
or RM50.4
O-Limau traditional ancient recipes, pure natural healthy drinks, no preservatives, coloring and artificial flavors. Ingredients : Calamansi, Chrysanthemum, Licorice, Tangerine

德延药业滋补坊 泡参虫草鸡精 Essence...

8.6 eCash + RM39.40-17%
or RM48
WM, every kg RM 15 Sabah - 1st 3kg 6.5, every additional RM2 Sarawak, every kg RM 15

德延药业孔雀牌 泡参虫草鸡精 Essence...

8.6 eCash + RM39.40-17%
or RM48
WM, every kg RM 15 Sabah - 1st 3kg 6.5, every additional RM2 Sarawak, every kg RM 15

(10pcs) Sea Cucumber...

6 eCash + RM42.00-12%
or RM48
(10pcs) Sea Cucumber 5-7cm 秃参 如何浸发海参 第1天 首先,用清水浸24小时。 第2天 用干净的清水煲滚了才将海参放进去。如果是小支的就烫5分钟;如果是大支的就烫10分钟,然后熄火,不用开盖直接让海参浸在沸水12个小时。12个小时后,用刷子把海参身上的沙和灰刷干净。第3天 用干净的清水煲滚了再把海参放进去,如果是小支的就烫5分钟;如果是大支的就烫10分钟,然后熄火,不用开盖直接让海参浸在沸水12小时。之后切开将体内的内脏清洗干净,用干净的清水浸泡着放进冰箱 (不是冰格) !!小小的提醒!! 不要在海参还没软开的时候强行剖开,以免导致海参损坏,并且重复第二天的步骤。 在用沸水烫之前确保锅是干净的,没有油脂或者食物残渣。 通常小支(40-60支)的海参只需要用沸水烫2次,中支(15-25支)就3-4次;越大的海参如猪婆参,烫的次数就越多,只能用干净的清水浸泡 How to soak sea

Fooh Beng Pure...

8 eCash + RM40.00-16%
or RM48
Pure Ginger Powder (Bukit Tinggi) 纯正文冬武吉丁宜姜粉 (100G)

Fooh Beng Apple...

8 eCash + RM40.00-16%
or RM48
🍯蜂蜜🍎苹果醋含有30多种的重要营养素,包括多种的维生素,矿物质,氨基酸和酵素。本产品是采用预拌方式,让饮用时,身体可以更好的吸收,更健康。 Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey contains over 30 important nutrients, minerals, vitamins and essential acids and several enzymes. Elements

Fooh Beng Zhu...

4 eCash + RM44.00-8%
or RM48
Effect: Traditionally used for fever relived, common cold, cough, stomach cramps, vomiting, night terror and terror syndrome. 功效: 传统用于舒缓发烧,伤风,咳嗽,肠腹绞痛,呕吐,夜啼惊跳,受惊诸症。 Ingredients:

Fooh Beng Pai...

4 eCash + RM44.00-8%
or RM48
  Effect: Traditionally used for fever relived, abdomen pain relived, cold and cough and light vomiting. 功效: 传统用于舒缓发烧,腹痛,伤风咳嗽和轻微呕泻。 成分: 防风,麝香,天麻,薄荷,陈皮,猴枣,川贝母,钩藤,甘草,蝉蜕,僵蚕,天竺黄

DrJuice Sacha Inchi...

5 eCash + RM41.00-10%
or RM46
Good oil kills bad oil! Replenish Omega 3-6-7-9 at one time, confident and light, good health! DrJuice specially launched “Sacha

H25 Honesty Gicon...

9 eCash + RM36.00-20%
or RM45
康福乐 健脑宝有效的抗氧化剂,可助清除体内的有害物质和自由基,保护细胞和减少脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的破坏,从而达到强化大脑结构的目的。

EYS Kang Du...

10 eCash + RM35.00-22%
or RM45
Traditionally used to strengthen the body and help prevent common cold.