
Melipoly Apis Cerana...

6 eCash + RM45.00-11%
or RM51
The rainforests in Malaysia are rich in natural forage sources for bees. The wild honey produced here is rich and

Melipoly Apis Cerana...

8 eCash + RM52.00-13%
or RM60
The rainforests in Malaysia are rich in natural forage sources for bees. The wild honey produced here is rich and

Melipoly Apis Cerana...

2 eCash + RM13.00-13%
or RM15
The rainforests in Malaysia are rich in natural forage sources for bees. The wild honey produced here is rich and

Melipoly Apis Cerana...

11 eCash + RM66.00-14%
or RM77
The rainforests in Malaysia are rich in natural forage sources for bees. The wild honey produced here is rich and

Melipoly Multifloral Honey...

8 eCash + RM52.00-13%
or RM60
These bees forage from a wide variety of flowers to produce golden-hued honey with a fresh, floral fragrance and a

Melipoly Multifloral Honey...

2 eCash + RM13.00-13%
or RM15
These bees forage from a wide variety of flowers to produce golden-hued honey with a fresh, floral fragrance and a

Melipoly Multifloral Honey...

10 eCash + RM67.00-12%
or RM77
These bees forage from a wide variety of flowers to produce golden-hued honey with a fresh, floral fragrance and a

Melipoly Mutlifloral Honey...

6 eCash + RM45.00-11%
or RM51
These bees forage from a wide variety of flowers to produce golden-hued honey with a fresh, floral fragrance and a

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

14 eCash + RM97.00-12%
or RM111
Stingless bee honey is produced by the meliponine stingless bees of the tropical rainforest, which gather nectar from a tremendous

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

17 eCash + RM115.00-12%
or RM132
Melipoly produces raw honey made in a natural environment. No added sugar, colouring and flavouring It is unheated, unpasteurized &

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

22 eCash + RM143.00-13%
or RM165
Melipoly produces raw honey made in a natural environment. No added sugar, colouring and flavouring It is unheated, unpasteurized &

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

5 eCash + RM34.00-12%
or RM39
Melipoly produces raw honey made in a natural environment. No added sugar, colouring and flavouring It is unheated, unpasteurized &

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

18 eCash + RM120.00-13%
or RM138
Taste of Melipoly Stingless Bee Honey: Deliciously unique and aromatic flavour with a tangy taste Direction: Consume 1sachet before breakfast

Hamilton Nature-Manuka Honey...

32 eCash + RM267.00-10%
or RM299.00
Description: – 100% pure New Zealand Honey – Zero Additive – Manuka honey is a monofloral and multifloral honey produced

Hamilton Nature-Manuka Honey...

21 eCash + RM176.00-10%
or RM197.00
Description: – 100% pure New Zealand Honey – Zero Additive – Manuka honey is a monofloral and multifloral honey produced
discover also

Gar’s Daily Mix...

12.00 eCash + RM68.00-15%
or RM80

L’ieveill A07 Ladies...

116.40 eCash + RM1,273.60-8%
or RM1390
additional big size

DrJuice Sacha Inchi...

5 eCash + RM41.00-10%
or RM46
Good oil kills bad oil! Replenish Omega 3-6-7-9 at one time, confident and light, good health! DrJuice specially launched “Sacha

ELV Beauty &...

380 eCash + RM218.00-63%
or RM598
SP Uniqueness Corset 蚕丝蛋白特制束衣 ×集托胸束腰, 低腰设计,适合晚装或婚纱配搭

Hamilton Nature-Manuka Honey...

32 eCash + RM267.00-10%
or RM299.00
Description: – 100% pure New Zealand Honey – Zero Additive – Manuka honey is a monofloral and multifloral honey produced

Hamilton Nature-Manuka Honey...

21 eCash + RM176.00-10%
or RM197.00
Description: – 100% pure New Zealand Honey – Zero Additive – Manuka honey is a monofloral and multifloral honey produced
discover also

德延药业人参滋补汤 Ren Shen...

1.6 eCash + RM11.40-12%
or RM13
WM, every kg RM 15 Sabah - 1st 3kg 6.5, every additional RM2 Sarawak, every kg RM 15

Fooh Beng Rye...

8 eCash + RM80.00-9%
or RM88
Effect: Traditionally used for fever relived, common cold, cough, stomach cramps, vomiting, night terror and terror syndrome. 功效: 传统用于舒缓发烧,伤风,咳嗽,肠腹绞痛,呕吐,夜啼惊跳,受惊诸症。 Ingredients:

Chin’s Product Yogurt...

3.80 eCash + RM16.00-19%
or RM19.80
Yogurt Candy 酸奶糖果 一款以酸奶为基础的风干糖果。采用风干技术,以低温制作,浓缩食材中的果糖,蛋白质和矿物质等等。最大程度保留了食材中的营养成分和自然香,吃多也不怕口渴,喉咙痛或者生病。不但可以满足你的味觉,还能补充你身体所需的营养。👍 我们的酸奶糖果外层是薄薄脆脆的糖衣,包裹着软Q又带着酸甜的酸奶香味😍😍,是大人小孩都爱吃的糖果零食哟。🙌 ✅无色素 ✅无香精 ✅无添加剂 ✅无防腐剂 ✅纯手工制作 为了保证食材的新鲜我们接单了才会制作哦。下单后请给予1-2星期交货哦。🥰

Hamilton Nature-Manuka Honey...

32 eCash + RM267.00-10%
or RM299.00
Description: – 100% pure New Zealand Honey – Zero Additive – Manuka honey is a monofloral and multifloral honey produced