
Melipoly Apis Cerana...

6 eCash + RM45.00-11%
or RM51
The rainforests in Malaysia are rich in natural forage sources for bees. The wild honey produced here is rich and

Melipoly Apis Cerana...

8 eCash + RM52.00-13%
or RM60
The rainforests in Malaysia are rich in natural forage sources for bees. The wild honey produced here is rich and

Melipoly Apis Cerana...

2 eCash + RM13.00-13%
or RM15
The rainforests in Malaysia are rich in natural forage sources for bees. The wild honey produced here is rich and

Melipoly Apis Cerana...

11 eCash + RM66.00-14%
or RM77
The rainforests in Malaysia are rich in natural forage sources for bees. The wild honey produced here is rich and

Melipoly Multifloral Honey...

8 eCash + RM52.00-13%
or RM60
These bees forage from a wide variety of flowers to produce golden-hued honey with a fresh, floral fragrance and a

Melipoly Multifloral Honey...

2 eCash + RM13.00-13%
or RM15
These bees forage from a wide variety of flowers to produce golden-hued honey with a fresh, floral fragrance and a

Melipoly Multifloral Honey...

10 eCash + RM67.00-12%
or RM77
These bees forage from a wide variety of flowers to produce golden-hued honey with a fresh, floral fragrance and a

Melipoly Mutlifloral Honey...

6 eCash + RM45.00-11%
or RM51
These bees forage from a wide variety of flowers to produce golden-hued honey with a fresh, floral fragrance and a

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

14 eCash + RM97.00-12%
or RM111
Stingless bee honey is produced by the meliponine stingless bees of the tropical rainforest, which gather nectar from a tremendous

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

17 eCash + RM115.00-12%
or RM132
Melipoly produces raw honey made in a natural environment. No added sugar, colouring and flavouring It is unheated, unpasteurized &

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

22 eCash + RM143.00-13%
or RM165
Melipoly produces raw honey made in a natural environment. No added sugar, colouring and flavouring It is unheated, unpasteurized &

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

5 eCash + RM34.00-12%
or RM39
Melipoly produces raw honey made in a natural environment. No added sugar, colouring and flavouring It is unheated, unpasteurized &

Melipoly Stingless Bee...

18 eCash + RM120.00-13%
or RM138
Taste of Melipoly Stingless Bee Honey: Deliciously unique and aromatic flavour with a tangy taste Direction: Consume 1sachet before breakfast

Hamilton Nature-Manuka Honey...

32 eCash + RM267.00-10%
or RM299.00
Description: – 100% pure New Zealand Honey – Zero Additive – Manuka honey is a monofloral and multifloral honey produced

Hamilton Nature-Manuka Honey...

21 eCash + RM176.00-10%
or RM197.00
Description: – 100% pure New Zealand Honey – Zero Additive – Manuka honey is a monofloral and multifloral honey produced
discover also

MarryMi Collagen Honey...

9.5 eCash + RM49.10-16%
or RM58.6
MarryMi Collagen Honey is 100% Natural Pure Honey with High Quality Single Amino Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides- marine collagen from Tilapia and Snapper fish scale. Unhydrolyzed collagen is difficult to break down during digestion. Collagen Peptides are broken down into smaller forms to make it easier for the body to absorb and easily soluble in cold water.

Freee Org Double...

2.7 eCash + RM17.20-13%
or RM19.9

Chin’s Product Egg...

3 eCash + RM15.80-15%
or RM18.80
無防腐劑、無化學添加物 純手工制作,下單後請給予1~2星期交貨期限。
  • food for Pet (dog/cat)

Hamilton Nature-Manuka Honey...

32 eCash + RM267.00-10%
or RM299.00
Description: – 100% pure New Zealand Honey – Zero Additive – Manuka honey is a monofloral and multifloral honey produced

Hamilton Nature-Manuka Honey...

21 eCash + RM176.00-10%
or RM197.00
Description: – 100% pure New Zealand Honey – Zero Additive – Manuka honey is a monofloral and multifloral honey produced
discover also

Bian Invigorating Exfoliator...

18 eCash + RM81.00-18%
or RM99
Exfoliate and moisturize in 1 minute! Unclog pores and removes dead skin and impurities from the surface of the skin.

宁夏枸杞王 NingXia Wolfberry...

3 eCash + RM15.80-15%
or RM18.8
枸杞是宁夏特产中的五宝之首,枸杞子的功效有补肾益精, 养肝明目,补血安神,生津止渴 用枸杞子泡水会更容易保存营养作用。 功效:枸杞可以增强免疫系统功能,保养视力,保护肝脏并且能改善血液循环。 通常食用作用于养生眼睛、肝、肺、肾等重要部位。 宁夏枸杞王:宁夏枸杞王具有驰名中外的品质,宁夏枸杞王栽培历史也已有五百多年。明朝弘治年间就已被列为贡果,分为“朝玉、贡果、大栋、魁元”四个品级。宁夏枸杞王药用价值极高,性滋补、具补肾、润肺、助阳、生精、益气、补虚、养颜明目、延年益寿等功效。 宁夏枸杞驰名中外的品质,一切得益于宁夏得天独厚的气候、地理环境及黄河水质、使其富含矿物质和多种人体必须且无法合成的氨基酸、维生素和微量元素,枸杞多糖。枸杞的药用功效在《中华药典》《本草纲目》《本草汇言》等所有中药书中均有记载。 宁夏枸杞王体大肉质饱满,籽少肉厚,干果色泽深红,果脐明显呈白色,先端有小尖,味甘甜中略带一点苦涩,包装不结块等特点,实为天下枸杞上上品。 净重:250g Net Weight: 250g Packaging shown are for illustration purpose Only. Actual

ELV Beauty &...

167 eCash + RM431.00-27%
or RM598
托玛琳护腰带 护腰,促进血液循环,防止腰间盘突出,日常防护腰部 Free size.

Fooh Beng Pai...

4 eCash + RM44.00-8%
or RM48
  Effect: Traditionally used for fever relived, abdomen pain relived, cold and cough and light vomiting. 功效: 传统用于舒缓发烧,腹痛,伤风咳嗽和轻微呕泻。 成分: 防风,麝香,天麻,薄荷,陈皮,猴枣,川贝母,钩藤,甘草,蝉蜕,僵蚕,天竺黄