
Antivirus Comparison Chart – How to Find the Best Antivirus Program

An antivirus program that is reliable is the first line of defense against cybercriminals who want to steal personal information and cause chaos on networks and computers, and much more. The best antivirus programs — whether free or paid provide top-quality security and performance that stops these threats from ever reaching the computer in the first place. However, choosing the right antivirus program can be a challenge.

A wide range of AV tools are available for your Windows, Mac or Android devices. Some are targeted at businesses while others are designed to safeguard consumers. Some antiviruses have extra features, while others are focused on specific threats or computing behavior, such as password management and encryption of files. It is essential to select the right antivirus, and then compare it with other options.

We’ve designed a chart to assist you in choosing the right tool for your requirements. It lets you sort by protection (how the software is able to detect malware), performance (how it performs on your device) and false positives (how often the web software detects safe programs as malware). You can also filter by price and number of devices installed to find the most value for money.

While you browse through the charts of comparison between antivirus, keep in mind that a majority of these programs are rated by several independent labs. You should seek out a high-rated rating in each of the categories. You should also consider the number and kind of devices that are included in the price, the ease of contacting customer support, and whether a trial or free version is available.