Ingredient: Cold pressed extra virgin oil obtained from the seeds of the Sacha Inchi plant. No addictive added.
Instructions: Take 1 tablespoon (3-5ml), once or twice daily. Or enjoy it together with any hot or cold dish
1) Supports brain development & prevents dementia
2) Reduces bad cholesterol
3) Controls glucose level & fights diabetes
4) Reduces blood pressure & control heart rhythm
5) Improves bone health, lowers joint & muscle pain
6) Fights inflammation & release stress
7) Healthier skin & hair
8) Boosts immunity
9) Improves vision
10) Assist in weight loss
印加果油有着Omega-3 & Omega-6 脂肪酸的最佳来源, 堪称植物脑黄金. 印加果油的益处有 :
1) 降低胆固醇
2) 抑制糖尿病及其并发症
3) 防治心血管疾病
4) 改善肾功能
5) 改善滞水症
6) 改善便秘
7) 促进细胞建康
8) 促进脑灵活
9.) 提高精力
10) 减轻过敏反应
11) 减轻哮喘
12) 改善关节炎
13) 抗炎排毒,改善器官组织炎症
14) 调节情志