Upgraded with doubled efficacy, cleansing, makeup-removing, caring 3-in-1. Deeply cleanses, quickly melts away dirt. Multi-dimensional nourishment leaves skin supple without tight feeling. The simple yet advanced formula is mild and natural. Plant cleansing essence Bio-glycolipids combined with micelle absorption technology, speeds up dissolving of makeup, dirt and aged curtin. 9 natural plants blend to nourish and condition skin – Moisturizing and Caring! Plumps skin with hydration, leaves skin supple without tight feeling. Mildly exfoliates, clears away oxyradical. Relieves skin discomfort, fortifies skin barrier. PH5.5 skin friendly – mild and safe. Suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin. Designed with a spray to spritz fine mist. The clear watery texture is lightweight on skin. Fresh and non-oily.
水润速[卸], 肌肤柔净如新. 全新花漾活肤卸妆水, 功效成倍升级 ~ 洁, 卸, 养三效合一. 卸妆黑科技, 微胶束技术, 以[水]卸妆. 一喷一擦深层洁净, 快速溶解彩妆污垢和皮肤多余油脂,吸附皮肤表层粉尘. 添加马齿苋提取物和仙人掌提取物等天然植萃精华,深透净澈,快速卸污不留痕, 多维养肤,卸后柔润不紧绷, 精简升级配方,温和天然不伤肤, 遇[水]即融,一瓶卸全脸, 深层卸妆[更净澈].
植物净颜精华生物糖脂,加乘微胶束吸附科技,溶解彩妆,油污,老废角质更快一些, 收细毛孔,打开肌肤吸收通道,促进后续护肤养分吸收. 凝聚9大天然植萃,多维奢养调理肤质,温润卸妆[更养肤]. 莹润补水保湿,卸后肌肤柔润不紧绷, 清除老废角质,扫除氧化自由基, 舒缓肌肤不适,强韧肌肤屏障. 肤精简配方,PH5.5 弱酸性, 安全卸妆[更温和], 柔净去污不伤肤,脆弱肌可安心使用, 轻透水感质地,清爽不油腻无负担,在清洁的同时不带走肌肤水分, 肤感更轻盈, 按压式喷雾设计,均匀渗透,水雾细腻绵柔.