
VP001新素味 New Vegetarian...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Textured Soy Wheat Protein Vegetarian Fish, Water, Lemongrass, Galangal, Turmeric, Chili, Tamarind Paste, Brown Sugar, Himalayan Salt, Plum

VP002新素味 New Vegetarian...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Vegetarian Mutton, Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Black Fungus, Bentong Ginger, Black Bean, Sweetened Vinegar, Water, Black Vinegar, Coconut Sugar,

VP003新素味New Vegetarian Bentong...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Bentong Ginger, Sesame Oil, Brown Sugar, Water, Soy Sauce, Himalayan Salt, Natural Seasoning Powder, Vegetable

VP004新素味 Vegetarian Premium...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
【顶级麻油猴头菇】—口感像肉的猴头菇,吸饱麻油的味道,不止很够味,女性吃了还很补身的哟!🥰 Lion’Mane Mushroom, which tastes like meat, pair with premium sesame oil. It is not only very tasty, but also

VP005新素味 New Vegetarian...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Vegetarian Mutton, Lemongrass, Galangal, Turmeric, Turmeric Leaves, Water, Chili, Brown Sugar, Soy Sauce, Himalayan Salt, Vegetable Oil 【风味仁当咖喱酥球】—利用19样香料特质配方,让素羊肉入味,吃起来还有妈妈的味道!

VP006新素味 New Vegetarian...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Textured Soy Wheat Protein Vegetarian Fish, Tomato Sauce, Water, Mixed Beans, Tomato, Brown Sugar, Himalayan Salt 【番茄酱宜片】—酸酸甜甜的番茄酱,与大豆小麦纤维的豆腐,是小孩的最爱!👶🏻 The

VP1003 (3 packs)...

7 eCash + RM47.00-12%
or RM54
✅High-temperature sterilization-use high-tech 121 degrees high temperature to kill bacteria without fear of food spoilage. 😆 ✅ Not refrigerated food-not

VP1005 (5packs) New...

18 eCash + RM72.00-20%
or RM90
✅High-temperature sterilization-use high-tech 121 degrees high temperature to kill bacteria without fear of food spoilage. 😆 ✅ Not refrigerated food-not

VP1010 (10packs) New...

40 eCash + RM140.00-22%
or RM180
✅High-temperature sterilization-use high-tech 121 degrees high temperature to kill bacteria without fear of food spoilage. 😆 ✅ Not refrigerated food-not
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128 eCash + RM436.00-22%
or RM564
Delivery Lead time : 7-14 days

宁夏枸杞王 NingXia Wolfberry...

3 eCash + RM15.80-15%
or RM18.8
枸杞是宁夏特产中的五宝之首,枸杞子的功效有补肾益精, 养肝明目,补血安神,生津止渴 用枸杞子泡水会更容易保存营养作用。 功效:枸杞可以增强免疫系统功能,保养视力,保护肝脏并且能改善血液循环。 通常食用作用于养生眼睛、肝、肺、肾等重要部位。 宁夏枸杞王:宁夏枸杞王具有驰名中外的品质,宁夏枸杞王栽培历史也已有五百多年。明朝弘治年间就已被列为贡果,分为“朝玉、贡果、大栋、魁元”四个品级。宁夏枸杞王药用价值极高,性滋补、具补肾、润肺、助阳、生精、益气、补虚、养颜明目、延年益寿等功效。 宁夏枸杞驰名中外的品质,一切得益于宁夏得天独厚的气候、地理环境及黄河水质、使其富含矿物质和多种人体必须且无法合成的氨基酸、维生素和微量元素,枸杞多糖。枸杞的药用功效在《中华药典》《本草纲目》《本草汇言》等所有中药书中均有记载。 宁夏枸杞王体大肉质饱满,籽少肉厚,干果色泽深红,果脐明显呈白色,先端有小尖,味甘甜中略带一点苦涩,包装不结块等特点,实为天下枸杞上上品。 净重:250g Net Weight: 250g Packaging shown are for illustration purpose Only. Actual

Kees Sanitary Pad...

1 eCash + RM5.39-15%
or RM6.39
Features: Negative Ion (Anion), Nano Silver, Far Infrared and it’s also thin and soft 💋 Extended (Heavy Flow) | 5
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Sunchoice Apple Fruit...

5.50 eCash + RM22.10-19%
or RM27.60

Bms Organics-Himalayan Salt...

0.30 eCash + RM2.60-10%
or RM2.90
BMS Organics Himalayan Salt is over 250 million years old. Raw, natural and unbleached salt is mined and washed by

Bear Multi Cooker...

70 eCash + RM209.00-25%
or RM279.00
🐻 BEAR Official Store Malaysia 3-Pin Plug 3.0 L Natural Unglazed Organic Mineral Purple-clay Insert Preserves natural nutrients, enzymes, and vitamins 8 Preset Cooking Functions 12-hour programmable Delay Timer Bear Electric Cooker DDG-D30C1 3.0L Purple Sand Multi-Function 8 Menus Pre-timer Reservation Boiling Slow Cooker

Fooh Beng Essence...

20 eCash + RM48.00-29%
or RM68
功效:强身健体, 产后或病后的体质虚弱, 消除疲劳,促进食欲, 增强体力 Effect: Strengthen the body after post-natal or post-illness, eliminate fatigue, boost appetite, enhance physical strength 成份:冬虫夏草,泡参,焦糖,鸡精