
VP001新素味 New Vegetarian...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Textured Soy Wheat Protein Vegetarian Fish, Water, Lemongrass, Galangal, Turmeric, Chili, Tamarind Paste, Brown Sugar, Himalayan Salt, Plum

VP002新素味 New Vegetarian...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Vegetarian Mutton, Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Black Fungus, Bentong Ginger, Black Bean, Sweetened Vinegar, Water, Black Vinegar, Coconut Sugar,

VP003新素味New Vegetarian Bentong...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Bentong Ginger, Sesame Oil, Brown Sugar, Water, Soy Sauce, Himalayan Salt, Natural Seasoning Powder, Vegetable

VP004新素味 Vegetarian Premium...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
【顶级麻油猴头菇】—口感像肉的猴头菇,吸饱麻油的味道,不止很够味,女性吃了还很补身的哟!🥰 Lion’Mane Mushroom, which tastes like meat, pair with premium sesame oil. It is not only very tasty, but also

VP005新素味 New Vegetarian...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Vegetarian Mutton, Lemongrass, Galangal, Turmeric, Turmeric Leaves, Water, Chili, Brown Sugar, Soy Sauce, Himalayan Salt, Vegetable Oil 【风味仁当咖喱酥球】—利用19样香料特质配方,让素羊肉入味,吃起来还有妈妈的味道!

VP006新素味 New Vegetarian...

2 eCash + RM16.00-11%
or RM18
Ingredients : Textured Soy Wheat Protein Vegetarian Fish, Tomato Sauce, Water, Mixed Beans, Tomato, Brown Sugar, Himalayan Salt 【番茄酱宜片】—酸酸甜甜的番茄酱,与大豆小麦纤维的豆腐,是小孩的最爱!👶🏻 The

VP1003 (3 packs)...

7 eCash + RM47.00-12%
or RM54
✅High-temperature sterilization-use high-tech 121 degrees high temperature to kill bacteria without fear of food spoilage. 😆 ✅ Not refrigerated food-not

VP1005 (5packs) New...

18 eCash + RM72.00-20%
or RM90
✅High-temperature sterilization-use high-tech 121 degrees high temperature to kill bacteria without fear of food spoilage. 😆 ✅ Not refrigerated food-not

VP1010 (10packs) New...

40 eCash + RM140.00-22%
or RM180
✅High-temperature sterilization-use high-tech 121 degrees high temperature to kill bacteria without fear of food spoilage. 😆 ✅ Not refrigerated food-not
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RHF004 RH Stingless...

9 eCash + RM26.00-25%
or RM35
银蜂是一种体积细小的蜂种,黑色的外形看似一只苍蝇,其学名为Trigona Carbonaria,基于其尾端并无毒蛰,因此也俗称无蛰蜂或无针蜂,马来人则称为LebahKelulut。 纯天然不加任何添加剂的银蜂蜜中含有较多的酵素,除了能促进人体内的细胞新陈代谢外,也能控制癌细胞,是其它糖制品没有的特殊功能,而其余的成分则包括微量元素及类蛋白等,营养价值颇高,高于其他蜂蜜的10倍。

MarryMi Acacia (540g)

5.7 eCash + RM37.00-13%
or RM42.7
MarryMi Acacia Honey is well-known by its dark colour texture with high concentration of antioxidants and powerful nutrients. Acacia honey produced from Borneo Asia is made from a tree known as "Acacia Mangium", a species found more in Borneo Asia. Acacia honey is a natural honey that comes from the tropical "Acacia Mangium" trees and flowers, the taste, aroma, and flavour is more of the tropical sweetness and a tiny bit of sourish at the end. We have more than 30 year experience as honey products manufacturer and exporter throughout the whole globe with FDA, GMP, HALAL, HACCP, MESTI, CAIQ AND AUTENTIK Certified standard quality.

BerryC Pocket Insect...

2 eCash + RM10.90-15%
or RM12.90
BerryC Sanitiser Spray 40ml (Multipurpose Sanitiser Spray) BerryC 40ml Sanitiser spray comes in a pocket size make it compatible and

TRU004 Truherbs Tiger...

51 eCash + RM107.00-32%
or RM158
虎乳芝具有调节机体免疫力的功能,能有效激活人体内处于休眠状态的免疫细 胞,使身体恢复免疫及代谢功能,以“清、调、补、护”为机理,帮助清理、调节、修复 和保护身体受损的细胞组织,同时增强抵抗病毒和自我保护能力,真正做到标本兼治 。 野生环境下极其稀少的产量限制了这种草药的使用,本公司采用在无菌环境下培育的,品质和药效更稳定的虎乳芝菌核制成胶囊服务于大众健康。TruHerbs 虎乳芝菌核传统用于缓解咳嗽,感冒和鼻窦炎。
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Lovial Shower Cream...

2 eCash + RM11.90-14%
or RM13.9
“KKM Certified (NOT190800123K) Halal Certified by Jakim GMP Certified Manufacturer Shower cream is specially formulated and enriched with Grapefruit &

Swee Bee Cranberry...

1.6 eCash + RM11.40-12%
or RM13
Cranberry Butter Cookies, 100gm We like you to enjoy this cookie, like how we enjoyed it ourselves. Taste the burst

TRU001 TruHerbs Hawthorn...

19 eCash + RM69.00-21%
or RM88
Truherbs 山楂酵素王具有防治心血管疾病、降低血压和胆固醇、软化血管及利尿和镇静作用,高血压患者可以适量的饮用山楂酵素,对身体的恢复很有利。山楂果酵素是以天然果蔬植物为原料,经微生物发酵而得酵素原液,不仅含有丰富的酵素群,还含有维生素、氨基酸、矿物质、植物营养素等营养成分,营养架构完整,一瓶可以同时满足您多方面的营养需求,符合不同人群健康所需的饮食结构。能帮助补充体内所需酵素和营养,满足各类人群每日摄取所需,并有助改善肠道功能,提高机体免疫力,改善亚健康状态。

Lucenta Deer Placenta...

500 eCash + RM1,180.00-29%
or RM1680