
Mia001 Hydra Gentle...

22 eCash + RM116.00-15%
or RM138
with its creamy texture, gently removes make-up, dirt and impurities while restoring skin’s natural moisture and hydration, leaving skin cleansed,

Mia002Hydra Oxy Bubble...

25 eCash + RM133.00-15%
or RM158
A micro-bubbling 2-in-1 cleanser mask drenches your skin with a continuous burst of hydration and oxygen. It transforms into an

Mia003 Hydra Refreshing...

22 eCash + RM116.00-15%
or RM138
Hydra Refreshing Toner hydrates and refreshes the skin with excellent moisturising effects helps to condition and prep skin for proper

Mia004 Resurfacing Booster...

16 eCash + RM82.00-16%
or RM98
This Serum is packed with AHA’s, vitamins, anti-oxidants, and essential fatty-acids to help you achieve a refreshed and smooth complexion.

Mia005 Rose Stemcell...

30 eCash + RM158.00-15%
or RM188
This serum formulated with plant stem cells and hyaluronic acid to promote a more youthful-looking complexion. It delivers continuous moisture

Mia006 Hydra Botanical...

30 eCash + RM158.00-15%
or RM188
This ultra-light moisturizer with the combination of botanical oils provides continuous hydration, to leave skin feeling perfectly hydrated, balanced and

Mia007 Hydra Collagen...

25 eCash + RM133.00-15%
or RM158
This Hydra Collagen Peptide Eye Cream delivers specific and targeted deepdown action against visible signs of aging. By applying this,

Mia008 Tinted Repairing...

30 eCash + RM158.00-15%
or RM188
A perfect base for make-up, with broad protection against environmental factors including UV rays, high energy visible light and pollution.

Bian Anti Acne...

36 eCash + RM163.00-18%
or RM199
Dries acne breakout in 48 hours! Calm and Moisturize the skin without scar! The serum clear acne blemishes and allows

Bian Invigorating Exfoliator...

18 eCash + RM81.00-18%
or RM99
Exfoliate and moisturize in 1 minute! Unclog pores and removes dead skin and impurities from the surface of the skin.

Shiro White Tomato...

59 eCash + RM271.00-17%
or RM330
Supple and translucent skin without makeup. Whiten skin miracle! Shiro White Tomato Essence Drink is clinically proven treat melasma and
discover also

EYS Prince of...

10 eCash + RM29.90-25%
or RM39.9
Ingredients: American Wisconsin Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolius) Roots (50%), Chrysanthemum (50%) Suitable for: People with busy working and study lives, it is vital to strengthen their health, particularly against lack of sleep. Brewing Instruction: To make tea, pour about (120ml) boiling water over the ginseng tea bag in a cup. Cover the cup and let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes before drinking. Each tea bag can be rebrewed several times.

Mama Lim Calendula...

3 eCash + RM12.00-20%
or RM15
Handmade with natural ingredients. Good for diapers rash, skin allergic, repair damaged skin. Ingredients: Calendula infused oil, sweet almond oil,

Grade A Chrysanthemum...

4.8 eCash + RM8.00-37%
or RM12.8
食材简介 菊又称甘菊,亦名小胎皇、小白菊,古时曾作贡品。胎菊,性微寒;味辛甘苦,能疏散风热、平肝明目、清热解毒。用胎菊泡的菊花茶,味纯正,浓冽,色泽金黄,含有花蜜的清香,而且泡久了也不会散开。胎菊是杭白菊中最上品的一种。是在杭白菊花朵未完全张开的时候摘收下来的为胎菊,经干燥加工制成。特级花选用的是头序花蕾初开的嫩芽,精心的蒸制,烘焙而成.具有独特的味道.以它的稀少而颇为珍贵。另外,比胎菊再小一些,完全没有开放的菊花花蕾加工后称为菊米。 营养价值 用胎菊泡的菊花茶,味纯正,浓冽,色泽金黄,含有花蜜的清香,而且泡久了也不会散开。胎菊的功效不可抹灭,胎菊能有效减轻电脑辐射对人体的伤害,特别是对眼睛的伤害。放入适量枸杞混合泡饮,清爽润口(可放冰糖调味),特别有利於常用电脑的人——明目清火防辐射,可多次冲泡。对於长期使用电脑的人很有帮助! 食用功效 1、清肝明目:胎菊味甘苦,性微寒:有驱风散热、清肝明目、消炎解毒等功效。口干、火王、目涩的人常饮用胎菊茶可以起到消火明目的作用。 2、消除热风引起的感冒:常喝胎菊茶可以治疗由热风引起的感冒和头痛等疾病。对耳鸣、眩晕等也有一定的防治作用。 3、降血压、抵抗癌症:已有现代的医学研究证实,胎菊具有降低血压、消除癌细胞的作用。另外长期饮用胎菊茶还可以抑制细菌的增长、增加人体的钙质、帮助人体调节心肌、降低胆固醇等作用。特别是对有肝火旺、经常用眼过度而引起的双眼干涩也有很好的治疗功效。另外胎菊茶的清香对人还有醒脑、舒缓神经的作用。 适用人群 一般人群均可食用。 禁忌人群 体虚、脾虚、胃寒病者,容易腹泻者慎用;过敏体质者少用;胎菊性寒,孕妇慎用。 选购技巧 1、外形比对: 正宗的胎菊,纯正泛米黄色,一眼便知是纯天然烘制,绝无采用硫磺等有害物质进行烘制。且胎菊花朵大小整齐,没有碎花,没有小虫子,干净卫生,符合安全卫生的食用标准。市面上其他胎菊,花朵大小不一,粗糙杂乱,且颜色较浅,接近白色,这种情况有可能是用硫磺熏制的,购买的时候要注意鉴别下,以免饮用后影响您和家人的健康。 2、泡开的花蕾对比: 正宗的胎菊,泡开后,花朵舒展开来,好像活了一样,非常有活力,有生气,让您的味蕾与视觉都得到非凡的品质享受。市面上劣质胎菊,泡开后死气沉沉,茶汤都变色了,而花蕾去还是紧包着张不开,这种胎菊有可能是染色的,所以才会花蕾还没泡开,茶汤就先变色了,购买的时候要谨慎小心。 3、茶汤颜色对比: 正宗优质的胎菊,泡开后,茶汤通透清澈,颜色自然透亮,无杂质,干净清新。让您未品茶,却因色美色透而赏心悦目,味觉动心不已。市面上其他胎菊,泡开后,茶汤浑浊,可见一些细微的杂质,虽不影响饮用,但是极易让人怀疑它的加工环境和卫生要求是否符合卫生安全,饮用起来忧心忡忡。 储存简述

德延药业双菊明目茶 Shuang Ju...

0.7 eCash + RM5.30-11%
or RM6
WM, every kg RM 15 Sabah - 1st 3kg 6.5, every additional RM2 Sarawak, every kg RM 15

Bian Anti Acne...

36 eCash + RM163.00-18%
or RM199
Dries acne breakout in 48 hours! Calm and Moisturize the skin without scar! The serum clear acne blemishes and allows

Bian Invigorating Exfoliator...

18 eCash + RM81.00-18%
or RM99
Exfoliate and moisturize in 1 minute! Unclog pores and removes dead skin and impurities from the surface of the skin.

Shiro White Tomato...

59 eCash + RM271.00-17%
or RM330
Supple and translucent skin without makeup. Whiten skin miracle! Shiro White Tomato Essence Drink is clinically proven treat melasma and
discover also

德延药业六味清补凉 Liu Wei...

1 eCash + RM7.00-12%
or RM8
WM, every kg RM 15 Sabah - 1st 3kg 6.5, every additional RM2 Sarawak, every kg RM 15


341 eCash + RM1,026.00-24%
or RM1367
Delivery Lead time : 7-14 days

Mageline Fairy Eye...

44 eCash + RM271.00-13%
or RM315
Innovative Multi-Effect Eye Gel-Cream, 1 bottle repairs 7 skin problems around eye areas. Triple yeast essence, 8 kinds of active